Why does everyone feel the need to decipher which parent a baby looks like? When our daughter was a baby, every couple of weeks people flopped their opinion. One week someone joked saying: "she's lucky dad, looks just like her mom." Sure enough, two weeks later her luck shifted, as everyone would say, "she's a spittin image of dad!" For the life of us, we could not figure out why people went back and forth so frequently. Until, one day it dawned on me. Babies go through stages of "chunky" and "thin". During her thin stages everyone insisted she looked just like mama and just like me in her chubby stage.
What does your image say about you? When people look at you, what do they see? More importantly who do they see? We talk about and resemble the things we are most interested in. Do you know the people who love golf or are diehard supporters of a sport's team? How do you know them? They talk about it, they wear the clothes, and they participate in those activities. Who or what do your resemble?
As Christians, the bible tells us who we are supposed to resemble. We must look like christ. John says this in 1 John 2:6 "The one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked." When people see us they should see Christ. Jesus began his ministry encouraging people to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:16).
Does your life resemble Christ? When people see us, do they see Christ or something else? Is Christ resembled in our speech? How about in our actions? Most importantly, do our attitudes reflect the attitudes Christ displayed in his ministry?
To be honest, I don't care who my children look like physically, as long as their spiritual lives resemble their savior. We must take a deep look inward and ask, do I resemble Christ in my life?