Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Living With Joy

This time of year, we hear a lot about having Joy. Some may say the Holiday season produces much joy in them. Others may disagree with that statement. The Bible gives a unique picture of Joy we may not commonly think about.  The Zondervan topical Bible defines biblical Joy as, “"the emotion excited by expectation or acquisition of good.” However, James tells suffering Christians to have Joy even in trials, or bad circumstances James 1:2. If joy is the emotion exited by the expectation or acquisition of good, how can one have joy in bad situations?

The Greek word commonly used for Joy is Chara which means, “joy, delight, or gladness.” It is closesly related to the Greek words for grace (charis) and gift (charisma). Then, joy can be thought as the response to the gift of God which is Grace. 

When we receive gifts, we vary our reaction based on how we value the gift. Our assessment of worth may be made on monetary value, sentimental value or based on who's giving us the gift. However we value, if we find a gift worth a lot, we react in accordance. The same can be said about how we react to the gift God has given us in Christ. The more worth we see, the more joy we express!

Considering the gift that God has given us in Jesus, Joy should be the response we have regardless of the circumstances. In other words, our attitude should be in direct response to God’s gift and not the circumstance. Joy is therefore a choice we must make even when bad things happen to us. How can I have joy in a difficult time? We have joy by, not responding to the situation or circumstance, rather responding to the grace we have in Christ!  The choice should be easier knowing the blessings we have in Christ. I want to encourage us all to live a life of joy no matter what circumstances we face!
