Friday, November 2, 2018

The Sin of Envy

When we think of sin, external sins usually come to mind first. Activities such as sexual immorality, lying, stealing, cheating, cursing, drunkenness etc., are typically the first sins that pop into our minds. For many Christians these sins may not be the ones they struggle with the most. Deeper internal sins may be another story. A sin that is becoming an increasing battle in our culture is envy.
Envy is defined in the dictionary as “a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.” My favorite definition of envy is a quote by Harold Coffin, “Envy is the art of counting your neighbors’ blessings instead of your own.” Envy is a sin that has potential to cause us to have bitterness towards others and can affect how we treat people. It also has been linked by some to low self-esteem, depression and even suicide.

Psychologists say that social media has played a part in the increase of envy today. When we scroll through our news feeds on social media accounts, we see the highlights of peoples’ lives. We typically post the good things going on in our lives. As we look at all these highlights it can cause the temptation to become envious of others and feel bad about the realities in ourselves.

The bible gives some practical advice that can help us overcome envy. First, we must learn to be content in all situations. Paul shares the secret he has learned to contentment in Philippians 4:10-14, “I can do all things through him who gives me strength.” Another thing we must do is to free ourselves from materialism. Jesus tells us in the sermon on the mount in Matthew 6:19-21 to store up for ourselves treasure in heaven and not on earth. Finally, overcoming envy is a matter of where we put our focus. In Colossians 3:2 Paul encourages us to set our mind on things above. We need to rid ourselves from the temptation to compare ourselves to others and start comparing ourselves to Christ!
