Dad taught me many things for which I am grateful. He taught me to hunt, fish and clean the game for meat. He developed within me a love for the outdoors, sports and very importantly a love for the Denver Broncos! He is responsible for many things I am good at and enjoy, but MOST importantly he gave me something far greater than anyone could ever give someone. He gave me the Gospel of Jesus. Dad became a Christian when I was a young boy, and he (by himself) took my sister and I to church every time the doors were open. More importantly, he taught us the gospel by his words and his actions. I often wonder if it had not been for him I probably wouldn't be a Christian today and I definitely wouldn't be a Gospel preacher. I owe a lot to my dad for having the faithfulness and devotion to God in order to pass it on to me.
Who brought you the Gospel of Jesus? Was it your parents, a friend, a co-worker, or maybe your spouse? Think for a moment what your life would be like had they not taken the opportunity to share with you this life-saving message? How different would your life be?
Could you imagine if they had not taken the time and made the effort to share with you? There are many people in your life whose lives are depending on someone to take the time with them. Will you take the opportunity? There are tons of excuses and reasons not to share the Gospel. All I can say is, I am glad my dad didn't buy those excuses!
Romans 10:14 says, "How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?" You don't have to have the position of "preacher" in a church to preach the Gospel to someone. You don't even have to have all the knowledge about Christianity. I always say, "if you know enough about the Gospel that you were saved by it, then you know enough to share with another so they can be saved by it."
I want to encourage you today to share the Gospel with the people around you. Share the Gospel with your words but more importantly share the Gospel with your actions and your Love. You never know whose life you may change forever by the power of the blood of Jesus!
"Encourage one another, build up one another."
Great way to encourage others to share the love they have for Jesus with others they love.