Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Everything is Changing and I wish it Would Quit!!!

"The Sun Comes Up there's a New Day Dawning" 
I can't believe another year is already gone! How was your 2014? In answering this question there is one area of our life we tend to focus on, change. To determine whether my year was good or bad, I evaluate if the change was negative or positive. If the majority of the changes were negative, I typically can't wait to get on to the next year, but it is a good year if the changes benefited me.

Many of the changes in our life are unsettling even if in hindsight they turn out positive. It is natural  to long for stability. (to test this theory try rearranging the furniture in the church building before next Sunday and see what happens). In fact, Many people who have worked with children and home-life have determined that stability is necessary for proper development.

In the 30 short years I have been alive, I have learned at least one thing. Change is inevitable. There will always be change, and a majority of the change in our lives will be negative,  unless we can learn to change our perspective. We need to gain the perspective of change that Paul obviously had. In Philippians 4:12 he says, "I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need." He is basically saying I know how to handle change both good and bad.

As most of us evaluate the world and the culture we live in, it can be depressing to see the changes that are occurring. Economically we see change. There is no certainty that incomes will last. Politically, our country is changing all the time. It would be a huge understatement to say our country is morally changing. I never thought we would see some of the moral changes that are going on around us. Culture changes all the time.

Not only are there cultural changes that bring frustration, each of us deals with personal changes as well. Many of you may be dealing with financial changes, health changes, family changes (additions and deaths), and many other things that aren't certain to stay the same. Again, change is inevitable. However, the inevitability of it doesn't make it any easier.

As we deal with the changes, many of us will long for "better times" or "the good ol days." The reality is, 2014 will one day be a "good ol day" to someone. It is easy to think that we had it better before the change, but most likely there was some other change we just finished dealing with.

As noted earlier we naturally desire stability. I believe this is a God-given desire within us. He created us to need stability. We might think this is strange since the world is full of instability and is always changing. This can leave us irritated frustrated and maybe even angry with God. We may even fight the temptation to blame God for all of the difficulties and changes in our life.

You see, there is one other thing I have learned in my life. Unlike the world, God never changes! He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Psalmist acknowledges this in Psalm 102:25-27. Also, Israel learned this lesson as they experienced many changes because of their up and down obedience to God. As God had promised them, He was with them when they obeyed and He punished them when they disobeyed. During the punishment many thought God was the one changing. God reminds them in Malachi 3:6, "I the Lord, do not change."

Not only does God not change in His nature. The good gifts he gives us (especially the gift of salvation through His Son) do not change. James tells us this in James 1:17. We find our stability in God and the gifts He has given us.

Instead of seeking stability in earthly things and in this life, where we know it will always change, let's find our stability in God. He is unchanging by nature. He provides the stability that he created us to need! This was precisely Paul's answer to how he can feel content in the midst of various (Changing) situations. In the very next verse (Philippians 4:13) Paul reveals the source of his contentment. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me!" God provides the only stability that is guaranteed. In 2015 join me in not getting depressed and frustrated at the ever-changing world and find your stability in GOD!


"Encourage one another, build up one another."

Monday, December 22, 2014

Who is responsible for bringing you the Gospel of Christ?

Mom brought over a home video from 1991, I was six years old. After watching only a few clips my wife learned why I am the way I am. In the early nineties nobody had a camera in their pocket like today. In fact, we rented a video camera to "tape" our Christmas program. One particular scene shows my dad and I making faces and funny noises to show off for the camera. We were two peas in a pod. I guess you might say a lot of who I am as a man I learned from my father.

Dad taught me many things for which I am grateful. He taught me to hunt, fish and clean the game for meat. He developed within me a love for the outdoors, sports and very importantly a love for the Denver Broncos! He is responsible for many things I am good at and enjoy, but MOST importantly he gave me something far greater than anyone could ever give someone. He gave me the Gospel of Jesus. Dad became a Christian when I was a young boy, and he (by himself) took my sister and I to church every time the doors were open. More importantly, he taught us the gospel by his words and his actions. I often wonder if it had not been for him I probably wouldn't be a Christian today and I definitely wouldn't be a Gospel preacher. I owe a lot to my dad for having the faithfulness and devotion to God in order to pass it on to me.

Who brought you the Gospel of Jesus? Was it your parents, a friend, a co-worker, or maybe your spouse? Think for a moment what your life would be like had they not taken the opportunity to share with you this life-saving message? How different would your life be?

Could you imagine if they had not taken the time and made the effort to share with you? There are many people in your life whose lives are depending on someone to take the time with them. Will you take the opportunity? There are tons of excuses and reasons not to share the Gospel. All I can say is, I am glad my dad didn't buy those excuses!

Romans 10:14 says, "How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?" You don't have to have the position of "preacher" in a church to preach the Gospel to someone. You don't even have to have all the knowledge about Christianity. I always say, "if you know enough about the Gospel that you were saved by it, then you know enough to share with another so they can be saved by it."

I want to encourage you today to share the Gospel with the people around you. Share the Gospel with your words but more importantly share the Gospel with your actions and your Love. You never know whose life you may change forever by the power of the blood of Jesus!


"Encourage one another, build up one another."

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Does God Expect You to be Perfect?

When I have asked this question where I preach, I always give a "trick question" disclaimer...and most everyone still gets it wrong. So I will ask you, Does God expect you to be perfect? Yes He does. I will even take it a step further...He DEMANDS that you be perfect! By God's very nature he does not allow sin in His presence. In the sermon on the mount Jesus commands His hearers, "therefore you are to be perfect because your heavenly Father is perfect." (Now, Hold on before you label me as self-righteous and arrogant and keep reading).

A problem comes to mind, we know we are not perfect. The Bible clearly acknowledges we, "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."(Romans 3:23) So how can we say that God demands perfection? There needs to be a perspective change. When I think of perfection, I tend to think it is attained by my own doing or merit. If I achieve perfection in my Job, it is by my own discipline and attention to details. If I am flawless in my performance of a particular sport, it is a result of practice that one achieves perfection. It is easy to think that this is how perfection comes in our spiritual lives as well. It is not! We cannot attain moral or spiritual perfection by our own doing. We are human. Ephesians 2 tells us, "we are saved by Grace through faith and that not of ourselves it is the gift of God; not as a result of works!" Even if you were to reach a level of perfection from this point forward in your life, there are already imperfections and sin that have taken us away from God. 

So how then can we say that God expects us to be perfect? The answer is shown in scripture, God has provided the way to make us perfected through Christ! "For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy." (Hebrews 10:14) It is by the blood of Jesus that we are perfected. Nothing more nothing less. After we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus now we are called to live a life for God  and no longer for the world. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9 that he disciplines His body as an athlete does for a race so that he does not become disqualified. My encouragement to us is that we continue to strive to live conformed to the image of Christ! 

The blood of Jesus is the only way one can be perfected in the eyes of God. My question to you is have you been perfected by the blood of Jesus? If no, why not obey the Gospel of Jesus and become a new and living Creature being buried and raised with Christ in Baptism (Romans 6:2)? If yes, are you continually responding to the sacrifice that was made by becoming more and more conformed to the image of Christ who has cleansed you with his bloodshed? 


"Encourage one another, build up one another."

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The little things!

Yesterday was not particularly the best day. I received some disappointing news. However, when I made the "trek" next door to check the mail, I found one piece of mail (surprisingly it wasn't a bill!) It was a note from a good buddy of mine from preaching school. It was just a single sheet of paper that made a world of difference to my day. Being the dork that I am, I hung it on the fridge so I could be lifted up the rest of the day!

I know it wasn't much for him to do this but it made a huge difference to me. We sometimes get so engulfed by the busy world we live in that we forget how much a simple gesture like sending a piece of mail can do for someone. One small encouragement can go a long way. Have you encouraged someone today? Paul reminds us in 1 Thessalonians 5:11, "Therefore encourage one another and build up one another..."

Today I want to encourage you to put down your phone or get out from behind the computer you are reading this on and encourage someone today. You never know what it might mean to them!!!


"Encourage one another, build up one another."

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Creation Speaks!

 Living in West Texas, there is very little in the area of aesthetic appeal. However, as you drive through the desert in far west Texas, there is a magical place that seems to pop up out of nowhere called the Guadalupe Mountains. This past Monday, my wife and I were able to sneak away from ministry responsibilities and get some much needed rejuvenation from being in God's creation and to witness the spectacular event of nature as the leaves change colors before winter.

Every time I am in God's creation I am reminded of the Awesome, powerful, amazing being we serve as our God. To see the diversity and beauty layered throughout nature, screams of His might!!! 

We decided to do a hike in Mckittrick canyon because it boasts some of the best fall colors in the state. As we walked out of the desert, we were enveloped by vibrant shades of orange, yellow, and red. I often forget how much of a connection we have with God through His creation. When we are constantly surrounded by the man-made world we live in we can lose touch with the splendor of God's beauty in the natural world.

Whenever I get the opportunity to enjoy nature, I can't help but think about what Paul tells us in Romans 1:20, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made..." 

You do not have to be an outdoors enthusiast to get into nature and see the splendor of God. Maybe you do like to hike or camp. Make some time to go. For most of us it may just be that we need to take our kids to the park and enjoy the sounds of birds, the rustling of the trees or feeling a cool breeze running through our hair. Also you could take a blanket outside after dark (especially now that it gets dark much earlier) and marvel at the vastness of the night sky. Be overwhelmed by the grandness of your Creator. God continues to speak to us through His Creation. Take some time, don't miss it!!!


"Encourage one another, build up one another."

Friday, September 12, 2014

Going CRAZY!!!

There are two weeks a year that I will do things that seem absolutely CRAZY!!! For example, last month, I allowed (not only did I allow, I encouraged) 50 kids to dump over five gallons of green slime over my head. Each year at VBS I give an incentive for the kids to bring all of their friends to VBS. If they reached the goal that we set at the beginning of the week, I told them each kid would get to SLIME me. Needless to say sliming the preacher is an excellent motivator for elementary school kids.

On one other occasion earlier this summer, I made the mistake of publicly telling nearly 400 kids ages 10-18 that I love to be dared! This temporary lack of intelligence resulted in a dare to perform an interpretive dance to the Frozen song, "Let it Go" during the camp's "talent" show. Over 400 people (and several video cameras) watched me prance around in pink tights for 4 minutes.

People always ask why in the world would you do such CRAZY things? (Believe me, sometimes I ask myself these questions.) The answer is simple...I want to connect with our young people to create opportunities to teach them about Jesus. Now youth and children's ministry is outside of my giftedness area, however I know the importance of building the foundation of Jesus in young people. The reality is that we are losing so many young people to the world. We have the responsibility to teach them about Jesus.

In a time when children were not looked at too highly in society, Jesus did something completely out of the ordinary for an adult man. When others felt that people were bothering Jesus by bringing their children to Him and told them to take them away, Jesus insisted otherwise and said bring them to me. He sat a child on his lap and said, "unless you become like these, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." Not only did Jesus love the little children, as we sing often, Jesus went out of his way and against the norms of society for the children.

On the day of Pentecost when the church was established, Peter told those listening, "For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off." The question is are we going to pass on the promises of God to the next generation?


"Encourage one another, build up one another."

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What's in a Name?

A little over four years ago my wife and I found out we were having a baby girl. Together we decided to name her Rylee Joyce Sigle. We both loved the name Rylee and having two great grandmothers named Joyce sealed the middle name. We decided not to tell anybody until she was born (let me suggest doing this if you enjoy angering close friends and family). The reason for keeping the secret was twofold. For one, we knew some people would not like the name and quite frankly we didn't care. More importantly, we know that whenever you hear a name without meeting the person your mind begins thinking of others you know with the same name. This could be good or bad depending on who you know. We didn't want the name to define our daughter. Rather, we wanted people to meet Rylee, the person, and allow her to define the name Rylee Joyce Sigle.

If you have met my daughter, you know that the name Rylee Joyce Sigle is defined by a sweet little girl who may be a little shy at first but when she warms up is a ball of goofy, imaginative, spunk. She is a kind, sharing, compassionate little girl. We wanted that to define the name Rylee.

As much as I love talking about my sweet little girl, I really want to talk about another name. A name I would venture to say most everyone living in the United States has heard, and probably almost as many as have heard it have conjured up a definition within their minds. What do you think of when you hear the name "Christian"? For some it simply means a follower of Christ. For Christians, the Bible should define the term. You may be thinking of verses that describe the character of a Christian, such as the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) or the Beatitudes (Matt. 5:1-12).

Now, what about non-Christians who do not know what the Bible says a Christian is supposed to be? Where do they draw their definition from? The only connection they may have is you and me! I have heard it said that we may be the only bible some people ever read. Which leads me to ask the question, how am I portraying the name "Christian" in my life? Am I giving the proper definition the Bible gives? Am I Living out the fruits of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control?

In documentaries and statistics of what nonbelievers think of Christians, the number one answer is "Hypocrites." As they see Christians, they see people who are not living what they are preaching. We have to ask ourselves what definition of "Christian" we are showing in our lives. Jesus tells us in Matt. 5:16, "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." In other words live a life that gives the proper definition of the name "Christian."


"Encourage one another, build up one another."

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Victory is Sweet!!!

I am a dare guy. As long as it doesn't violate my moral conscience, I will do pretty much anything someone dares me to (This probably isn't something I should be telling everyone). For the most part this is okay, however, there have been times that have really got me into trouble.

A few years ago my wife and I took a trip to Branson MO. While we were there we decided to take a tour of talking rocks cavern. Just outside the visitor's center they have a huge wooden box with two openings a person can barely fit into. It said it was a speleobox (a box designed to simulate what it is like to crawl through caves.) Inside the box you wind your way through going up down left right and sometimes several directions at once!

On the outside of the box was a sign that reads, "WARNING!" Now to "challenge guys" like myself we do not see the word warning. We see, "I dare you to!" Under the large letters "warning," had a list of two warnings. The first said, "weight limit" (which I exceeded by at least 20 pounds.) I thought to myself, they always make those things a little lighter than they need to just to be safe. I was definitely the largest person that could fit (and that is still questionable) in that thing. The second warning said, "know your physical limitations," which in my mind I have no physical limitations (that is in my mind and not necessarily in my body). So naturally I climbed into the box.

This was one of the most physically challenging things I have ever attempted. Another thing stated on the outside was on average it takes 20 to thirty minutes to complete the maze. I was in the box for an hour and a half! There were times I was flipped upside down with my feet and head on two different levels pointing in the same direction. There were times I thought my life was going to end in that speleobox. My wife and one year old daughter were on the outside trying to encourage me, but we all know those times when you are in a frustrating situation and people try to encourage you. You just want them to be quiet and leave you alone. That is where I was.

I am a challenge guy. It doesn't matter how challenging something is I love to do things people think I shouldn't be able to do. There is no reason I should have ever climbed inside that speleobox, however, there is a reason I am a challenge guy...VICTORY IS SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Christian life is full of challenges. If you thought that being a Christian was going to be a "cake walk," you are probably finding that to be false. When we strive to follow God and to live conformed to the image of His Son, sickness still finds us, death knocks at our family members' door, our children disobey and fall away, people will dislike us because of our beliefs and practices, marriages struggle, people mistreat us, sin continues to find us, Satan attacks, we suffer, we suffer, we suffer! (You are probably thinking: this is supposed to be an encouraging blog? Wait for it...)

James reminds Christians in James 1:12 "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." We need to remember the people James were talking to were facing severe persecution. Now, I am not saying what you are facing isn't severe. However, even people who were being killed for their faith were reminded to persevere through the worst. Why? Because we have VICTORY IN JESUS.

Today I want to remind us that if we are Christians we have Victory in the Blood of Jesus. The Christian life is challenging. Continue to have perseverance and to take joy in the trials you are facing because you will have Victory in Jesus, and VICTORY IS SWEET!

If you are not a Christian and you are reading this, God loved you so much that he gave His son to die on the cross so that you too can have victory (John 3:16). Jesus died and rose from the dead so that we too can raise to live eternally with Him. Paul tells us in Romans 6:3-4 when that death and resurrection takes place for us. Talking to Christians reminding them of when they were raised new and living creatures (Christians), Paul says; "Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."

My prayer is that all would come to know the love that God has shown for us and the Victory that is offered through the blood of Christ. I hope and pray that all will come to know and believe in the Gospel of Jesus, that he died for our sins and rose from the dead. Through that belief I hope that all will confess Jesus as the Lord of their life and will repent of their sins. Then being baptized into the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the holy spirit (Acts 2:38).

Finally, my prayer is for all who are living the righteous life as a new and living Creature, that you will persevere through the challenges in your life knowing that you have Victory in Jesus. VICTORY IS SWEET!!!


"Encourage one another, build up one another"

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Finding your way!

My wife and I love hiking and backpacking. There is something about being in God's creation without the distractions of this world. On several occasions (more than I would like to admit) I have found myself in the backcountry, off the intended trail without a sense of the proper direction I should go (aka: LOST). I'd like to share one such experience with you.

A few months ago my wife and I were blessed with the opportunity to spend a couple of nights in the backcountry of the White Mountains Wilderness near Ruidoso New Mexico. It was amazing. We covered 25 miles in three days and didn't see a single person. These kinds of experiences rejuvenate my introverted personality.

The hike was going great, we were covering the amount of miles in the desired time. Then, all of a sudden the trail disappeared beneath our feet. Literally, one second it was there and the next it was gone. Thankfully there were cairns (piles of rocks people erect to help you locate the correct path) guiding the way. We began following these until they too ceased to exist. Despite all I learned in boy scouts and the obviously smart decision to go back to the trail we came in on, I decided to continue aimlessly into the woods.

Being the proud hiker that I am I refused to admit lostness. On a side note: one of the reasons I love being in the wilderness is because there is no one to ask directions, so I never have to humiliate myself (as if having to be evacuated with search and rescue would not be humiliating). By the way, if my mother reads this, we were never in real danger. We were however, in danger of adding many miles to make it back to our vehicle.

After hiking several hundred yards through the forest, we finally found a trail up ahead. We followed it for a ways. Submitting to my fairly keen sense of direction and my compass, I realized we were not going in the direction we ought to be. After turning around and following the trail the other direction we finally found a sign similar to the one above. We had made it to where we wanted to be! What a relief it was to know we were where we were heading.

Part of my problem on this particular trip was that I didn't want to admit I needed help. In fact, I refused to look at the map for a while because I enjoy finding my way on my own. I trust my own instincts and abilities to navigate, which usually do okay. So often this is how I treat my spiritual journey as well. I trust myself first and when I fail, as I usually do, I go to God. We must remember what Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."

God has given you the directions in your life. Are you following them or do you continue to lean on your own understanding? When we trust in ourselves, we will fail. When we trust in the Lord with all of our lives he will lead us on the right path. My prayer is that all who read this will always trust in the Lord and not lean on their own understanding.


"Encourage one another and build up one another"