Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A Place of Safety!

In February, our family began a new adventure by raising nine laying hens from chicks. After keeping them inside for six weeks, it came time to move them to the coop. The transition to the coop is a fascinating event. For two weeks, they are locked in the coop 24/7. After the transition period, they can roam freely in the yard throughout the day. On the first evening of freedom, the most amazing thing happens. The very moment the sun dips below the horizon, all nine chicks immediately head into the coop, take their roost and can be locked in safety through the night. In two weeks, they learn of the haven they have.

As I watched this phenomenon of learned behavior, I thought of the spiritual haven we have in the Lord. The 23rd Psalm speaks of the safety we have when we walk with our Good Shepherd. He is the one who keeps us safe through the storms of life. In the same way chickens learn, we learn of the safety God provides. As the Bible instructs parents in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Let’s all remember the safety of the Lord that we have learned, and go to him first in times of trouble.
