Monday, January 23, 2017

"I Have to." or "I Have To!"

Growing up, when my family went to a restaurant, my parents made us order water to drink (because of cost). I hated water! Often my response would be, "I have to drink water, ugh!" It wasn't until years later that I gained an appreciation for water. It happened during wrestling season my freshman year of high school. In order to make weight for the very first match, I (In a very unhealthy decision) withheld liquid intake for over 24 hours. Upon stepping off the scale, I gasped, "I have to have water!" I didn't go for a Gatorade or a pop, I bolted for the water fountain. Experiencing and realizing the true necessity of water completely changed my attitude toward it.

In the same way, we may be tempted to have the "do I have to, ugh" attitude toward serving the Lord. It can be easy to view our service to God as an obligation over a necessity. The impression is given, in Revelation, this might be the attitude Jesus addresses with the church in Laodicea. If we view our relationship with God in this way, we will not be devoted in the way we should.

Rather, we need to develop an attitude similar to the Psalmist in Psalm 42:2 "My Soul thirsts for God, for the living God; When shall I come and appear before God?" Do I thirst for God, do we have an attitude that says, "I HAVE TO serve God"? We need to develop a longing and desire to serve God and His Kingdom!


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