Sunday, March 5, 2017

Eager to share!

Recall something you have been eager to do. Maybe it was a vacation you had planned, or a movie you waited months to come to theaters. If you are married, hopefully there was an eagerness about your wedding and the life you would spend with your future spouse. Our eagerness is typically a reflection of the value we place on that for which we wait. 

In Romans 1:15, Paul says, I am eager to preach the Gospel to you also who are in Rome.” Paul has an eagerness about preaching the Gospel. He continues to further explain the reason for his eagerness in verse 16 saying:  For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” The value of the Gospel is its power to save! Because of that power and salvation, Paul says he will NEVER be sorry for preaching it. Have you ever said or done something that later you were ashamed of and had to apologize for? We all have, but Paul knows that preaching the Gospel will never be something he is sorry for! 

Do we have the same eagerness that Paul had about preaching the Gospel? If the answer is no, there might be something wrong with how we value the Gospel. First, we must look at the power that the Gospel has. It is powerful because it is from God! Secondly, we must look at our salvation. Do we value our salvation as we should? The Gospel gives us the opportunity to escape the wrath of God and to live forever with God in eternity. There is nothing in this world that even comes close to the value of our salvation! I hope we all can stand up and boldly say that we are eager to share the Gospel and are not ashamed to do so! 


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