Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Getting Rid of Grumbling!

Several months ago, I preached a sermon about complaining. The next morning, I woke up and our Air Conditioner had quit working. It took several weeks to get it fixed! It is always a goal of mine to be relevant in my preaching, but the relevance of that situation and the temperature in the mid 90s really put me to the test. Complaining, or as the bible calls it grumbling can become a source of trouble in our spiritual lives and in our lives as the body of Christ. We see throughout the Bible that God has a disdain for grumbling.

While examining grumbling we can see why God does not like it. First, the source of grumbling is selfishness. In Numbers 16, shortly after God's people have come out of Egyptian bondage, they begin grumbling about food. It begins with a self-centered desire. Their selfish complaining blinded them from seeing God had just brought them out of a way worse situation. Similarly, when we are focusing on negatives and complaining, we can fail to see the good that God is doing around us.
James and Paul both touch on the dangers of grumbling for Christians. James tells us if we grumble the judge is standing at the door (James 5:7-9). Paul lists grumbling as a sin with potential to keep us away from God (1 Corinthians 10:6-10).

The bible doesn’t only tell how bad complaining is for us, it also gives the solution to grumbling. The first thing we can do to combat the temptation to complain is to give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). When we look at life with the perspective of the spiritual blessings in Christ, there is always much to be thankful for. The second way to combat grumbling is to trust in God and not lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). We have a God who loves us and gives us the greatest gifts of all in Jesus Christ. Paul says that he has learned how to be content in all circumstances, and Paul had some negative circumstances. The secret being, he can do all things through him who gives us strength (Philippians 4:10-13). I want to challenge myself and all of us to follow the example of Paul and rid our lives from complaining. This is accomplished through thanksgiving and as we trust in God who is in control of all things!


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