Friday, August 28, 2015

Catching Bubbles!

We have a video of my son when he was under a year old sitting on the kitchen floor while mama blew bubbles toward him. The excitement on his face is priceless as he anticipates the fun of catching the bubbles as they softly float to the ground. As you probably know, bubbles are impossible to catch. We watched as each bubble would explode in his hands. Before long the laughter and smiles turned to frustration, anger and eventually tears. What seemed like a lot of fun in the beginning had turned into great disappointment.

My wife and I watched the video and laughed several times, but every time I watch the video I cant help but see the similarities between catching bubbles and life. There are so many things in life that on first glance seem like they would be a lot of fun to be involved in, that in reality can lead to much pain and suffering and ultimately eternal death.

This past month we heard devastating news of millions of sins revealed due to the hack of an adult website designed to help people have extramarital affairs. With the revelation of the hack came devastation to millions of men, women and families because of the sins people are involved in. Following the initial blow has come many stories of ruined marriages, torn apart homes, lost jobs and even suicide. The end result of sin (Eternal consequences aside) can be very rough.

God is not one who desires for us to be miserable and like any good parent, he is looking out for our best interest. In a very well-known parable found in Luke 15, Jesus tells the story of the prodigal son. After the younger son asks his dad for his portion of the inheritance, he takes it and lives indulging in sinful activities. It isn't until after the money is gone and he sees the negative effects of his living that the bible says, he came to his senses. After that turning point, he returned to his father where he was welcomed with open arms and celebration.

Sin does bring terrible results and much pain and suffering, but we have a God who loved us so much that he provides freedom from our sins through the blood of Jesus. Won't you turn from the sin that brings destruction and obey the life saving gospel of Jesus?!?!


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