Thursday, August 27, 2015

Staying Connected

We are in an age of amazing technology and communication. As a result, many of us have had the opportunity to stay connected with people we might not otherwise. In fact, I know more now about people I saw everyday in High School than I ever did at the time (this isn’t always a good thing). Staying connected to friends and family is extremely important. There have been times when my phone wasn’t working, and you would have thought the world was coming to an end.  When we lose connection, we notice and long for reconnection. Do we view our connection with God in the same way?

The Hebrew writer reminds us of the need to draw near to God (Hebrews 10:19-25). We have been given the avenue to stay connected to God. Christ broke down the barrier that was separating us from God in His death burial and resurrection.  Now we have full access to God through Christ. Are we using that access? Are we staying connected?

In the Context of Hebrews 10, the Hebrew writer brings out two areas that will help us stay connected to God. The first area is in our drawing near to God himself. This is done through prayer, studying the scriptures, praise, worship, meditation, etc. Are we keeping the line of communication with God? The second area the Hebrew writer writes about in verses 24-25 is staying connected to the family of God. In order to remain our connection with God, it is important to remain connected to His body, the church.

As we experience a super busy lifestyle, I want to encourage us all to put some focus on our connection to God. Let us not become overrun by all the things of the world that we lose the most important connection we have.


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