Thursday, August 27, 2015

Don't let them take God out of our Schools!

Over the last several years I have heard statements of how different our schools are now compared to years past. Especially this time of year as kids are going back to school, I have heard several people make statements such as, "they are taking God out of our Schools?" These kinds of comments raise two questions in my mind, 1) Who is "They"? And 2) do "they" really have that kind of power?

The bible tells us, when we become Christians that Christ lives in us and our life should reflect him (Galatians 2:20). Jesus also tells us that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world! (Matt. 5:13-16). So, as long as there are Christians in our schools living by Faith in Christ, no one can take God out!!!

 The danger comes when Christians stop living through Faith in Christ in our schools! In other words, to partially quote a famous bear, "Only YOU can take God out of our schools." As another school year has come upon us, and as we hear more and more that school boards and courts are choosing to stop prayer or keep teachers from teaching about their Faith, I want to encourage all who may have a part in keeping God in our schools to do just that.

1. Students - don't let them take God out of our schools! As you face the pressures of the world that are ever present in our schools, do not be conformed to this world! (Romans 12:2) Remember who you are in Christ and be transformed proving what the will of God is. Don't allow anyone to take God out by keeping him first in your life!

2. Teachers - Don't let them take God out of our schools. What you teach and say about your Faith to your students can be controlled by the school system, but the way you live out your faith cannot. Fortunately, the loudest message you can ever preach is by your actions. As you daily influence the lives of many students, remember the words of Christ, "let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven." (Matt. 5:16)

3. Parents - don't let them take God out of our schools. As parents, God has entrusted us with our children. With that comes the responsibility to teach them and guide them. We have the task of instilling within them Faith in Jesus Christ. It is not the job of the school or even Sunday school. Proverbs 22:6 tells of the importance of raising our children in the way they should go. Let us all do our part to keep Christ in the lives of our children!

I want to encourage all of those involved in school, but this principle extends to all walks of life. The only way God can be taken out of a society is if Christians cease to live by Faith in Him. Let us boldly and courageously live by Faith in Jesus!


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